指導者/總編輯: 張蕙娟  分享者: 何柏毅
[圖三] KLM 荷蘭皇家航空

[圖三] KLM 荷蘭皇家航空

KLM 的新客群──小孩

KLM 荷蘭皇家航空一直都以創新的服務著稱,近年來開創出許多嶄新的附加服務或是概念,像是可以配對你身旁乘客的社群工具或是航空手機遊戲等等,這次 KLM 又有新的點子了。

瞄準的對象是最小的旅客──小孩。KLM 與迪士尼合作推出一部飛機卡通,但不是在電影院觀看,而是實際進入機艙,利用飛機本身的硬體設施放映。飛機不會起飛,而是停在阿姆斯特丹機場的停機棚裡,小朋友在這獨特的戲院,一邊享受零食,一邊享受機艙外面一些煙霧、碎花等特殊效果,絕對可以帶給每一個小孩一趟完美的旅程與機艙體驗。

也許大家會問說,這樣的行銷真的會有實質上的效益嗎?但無法否定的是,KLM 為了品牌與顧客,投入大量的資金與時間。

KLM Royal Dutch Airlines is at it again. The innovative airliner is extremely socially savvy and has launched some of the most notable brand-engagement campaigns in the travel industry, including a social media-powered "Meet & Seat" matchmaker and a Sims-like mobile aviation game.

And now the aviation brand is doing its part to reach out to its tiniest travelers, too. In partnership with Disney, KLM recently invited a handful of kids to a special pre-screening of Disney's new film, Planes. But the screening didn't take place at a local cinema.

Instead, the company parked one of its aircraft in a hangar at Amsterdam's Schiphol Airport and invited the kids aboard for a once-in-a-lifetime experience that featured real special effects—and snacks, too.

While the movie played on the airline's seat-back entertainment system, airline crew got busy outside the aircraft launching smoke machines, blasting streamers and even creating a rain storm. Essentially, the tiny passengers experienced everything that the film's main character Dusty did.

Marketing ploy or not, KLM seems to invest an impressive amount of time into its brand and customers, and no one can argue with that.





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